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Husband bashes wife over selling green beans (bhinzi nyoroooo)

A Harare Man  was up in arms with his wife after he heard her advertising green beans in the streets. In anger the husband called the wife in the bedroom and questioned her why she was selling green beans. In agony and anger the wife responded, we have nothing at home so i have to sell what i have for the betterment of ouf our family.
OMG- the husband's clap lands on the defenseless wife.

"Ungatengesa bhinzi nyoro iwe uri mukadzi we munhu, wakambozvionepi."
Kana munhu akati ndoida bhinzi unoita marii," heee ndiudze heeeeeee"

the husband fumed.
"dhooraaa kana coin baba mwana dhoooraaaaaa bhinzi nyoro"
"Wakatengesa kanganiiiii heeee???? Unotenegessera pai??????"

dzichir bhinzi nyorooo hereeee ????????????????????

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