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A night not to be missed...in Jesus name miracles and deliverance

We are going to host another all night prayer.......................................
After hosting a successful men’s all night prayer, the Prophetic Healing and Deliverance Ministry leader and founder Prophet W. Magaya has scheduled another all night prayer.
In his address to the congregants, he highlighted that Prophetic Healing and Deliverance Ministries is result oriented so we have to implement and analyse the result.
According to the theme of the year they have declared The Year of Over flow and Abundance, this implies that every congregant must look forward to have an over flowing cup.
Prophetically it is believed that the results which the Prophet was expecting are not on the table so there should be another evaluation and implementation.
Announcing he said, “There shall be another candle light service”. According to them and their Spiritual father the candle light service means they have to symbolise the light which the bible talks about and they light every candle in a sign of spreading the light to every person.
The all night prayer is scheduled for next Friday, 6th of May 2016. Attendance this time is not compulsory as the prophet understood it will be cold.
With the need to empower the souls and equip them with the tactics to fight in a crumbling economy prophet Magaya needs everyone to have riches in abundance.
“This time the all night prayer is going to mix all men and women, we know that it will be cold but we want to make sure our theme of the year is being implemented successfully.  We are going to have another candle light night. I know we have done it before but we need to repeat it” Said Prophet Magaya addressing the congregants during the Sunday service.
Known for hosting life changing gatherings, Prophetic Healing and Deliverance Ministries is going on planting more services. Zimbabweans are happy that at least the power of God is moving free on their home soil.

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